Xfinity Mobile Tour Display

Kind of hard to miss this bright red activation happening in the middle of the street. What’s really cool to marketing nerds like us is the cohesive color matching across the board. Every element, from the tent and the flag that stands on top of it, right down to the paint color on the car parked underneath, it is a perfect match. That’s a lot of substrate color matching, but you can trust TentCraft to nail it every time.
Xfinity Mobile Tour Display
Kind of hard to miss this bright red activation happening in the middle of the street. What’s really cool to marketing nerds like us is the cohesive color matching across the board. Every element, from the tent and the flag that stands on top of it, right down to the paint color on the car parked underneath, it is a perfect match. That’s a lot of substrate color matching, but you can trust TentCraft to nail it every time.