Pop Up Canopy Tents for Athletic Teams

Track & Field and Cross Country Pop Up Tents
There may not be a sport that depends on a quality pop-up tent to protect athletes and stand out in a crowd like track and field and cross country. Track and cross country coaches trust TentCraft for its speed, durability and ability to customize a tent that fits the size and personality of their team. Learn more about what’s possible for your team by sprinting over to our track and field and cross country page.
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10X20 Team Tents for School Athletics
The Lake Erie College athletics department required a branded 10X20 pop up tent just outside of the end-zone to serve as an alumnus game experience. The canopy is a great example of edge-to-edge digital printing. Since the fall weather often brought heavier winds and storms, the department went with our heavy duty pop up tent frame along with footplates on each leg.
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10X10 Team Soccer Tent
This branded 10X10 pop up tent for the Coast Soccer League is a great example when you need something simple, yet durable. The league was tired of replacing cheaper, steel pop up tents and ready to invest in better quality but still needed to work within a budget. The 5-year warranty included with our medium duty mightyTENT model was a big deciding factor when it came to investing in a higher-quality pop up tent.
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10X20 Team Tent for Crew Team
This 10X20 pop up tent for the Jesuit Crew team is another great example of a branded team tent. Since the tent sat higher on the river bank where heavy winds often swept through, the team went with the heavier duty MONARCHTENT frame and a set of footplates to go on each leg.
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Custom Team Tents for School Sports Teams
There’s a little more to a team tent than just a canopy and a logo. Head over to our new custom team tents page to learn more about all of our capabilities.
Let’s build you a championship-caliber team tent!
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